HE-Drive: Human-Like End-to-End Driving with Vision Language Models

1Horizon Robotics | 2The University of Hong Kong | 3University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
4Beijing Jiaotong University

*denotes equal contribution |
denotes Corresponding authors

To the best of our knowledge, HE-Drive is the first human-like-centric end-to-end autonomous driving system, ensuring high performance while guaranteeing efficiency and comfort.

Overview Image

Comparison of Performance (i.e. collision rate), Efficiency (i.e. FPS), and Comfort Metrics


In this paper, we propose HE-Drive: the first human-like-centric end-to-end autonomous driving system to generate trajectories that are both temporally consistent and comfortable. Recent studies have shown that imitation learning-based planners and learning-based trajectory scorers can effectively generate and select accuracy trajectories that closely mimic expert demonstrations. However, such trajectory planners and scorers face the dilemma of generating temporally inconsistent and uncomfortable trajectories.

To solve the above problems, Our HE-Drive first extracts key 3D spatial representations through sparse perception, which then serves as conditional inputs for a Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs)-based motion planner to generate temporal consistency multi-modal trajectories. A Vision-Language Models (VLMs)-guided trajectory scorer subsequently selects the most comfortable trajectory from these candidates to control the vehicle, ensuring human-like end-to-end driving.

Experiments show that HE-Drive not only achieves state-of-the-art performance (i.e., reduces the average collision rate by 71% than VAD) and efficiency (i.e., 1.9X faster than SparseDrive) on the challenging nuScenes and OpenScene datasets but also provides the most comfortable driving experience on real-world data.

Overview Image

HE-Drive Overview

HE-Drive Key Components

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Contribution 1: Diffusion-based Motion Planner

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Contribution 2: VLM-guided Trajectory Scorer

Experiments on nuScenes

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nuScenes: Left Turn Results

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nuScenes: Right Turn Results

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nuScenes: Trajectory Scorer Driving Style Adjustment

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nuScenes: Quantitative Comparison of Performance and Efficiency

nuScenes: Qualitative Results

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nuScenes: Quantitative comparison of comfort indicators

Experiments on Real-World data

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Real-World: Turning

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Real-World: Quantitative comparison of comfort indicators

Experiments on OpenScene

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OpenScene: VQA Qualitative Results